Gloria Sherman
Lapeer, MI
Gloria is a licensed professional counselor, independent trainer, educational consultant, CAB-certified poverty coach, certified parent coach, and parent educator. She has over 30 years’ experience working with parents and children in a variety of settings. She recently retired as a middle school counselor after 15 years. Her previous experience was with the State Department of Human Services in the area of children and family services. Her passion is to provide parents with tools to help them be successful in their most important job of raising children who are responsible and respectful and become successful adults.
Gloria founded her own business, Parenting and Teaching with G.L.O. (Great Learning Opportunities), LLC. Her philosophy is to provide parents with many tools so they can make informed decisions about their parenting philosophy. By helping parents, then children are given opportunities to find their strengths and create their own miracles.
Gloria is co-founder of Parenting Partnership with her friend and partner, Sharon Whitson. Gloria has been teaching the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent materials and Nine Essential Skills to parents, educators, bus drivers, and other professionals for more than 12 years. Gloria has presented at local, state, and national educational and parenting conferences. She also teaches enrichment classes and one-night parenting workshops and provides training through the Great Start Initiative.
Gloria is also a member of Mindworks Performance Group. Gloria brings a strong presence of expertise in the areas of parenting, brain training, and behavioral interventions.
In her quest to help parents understand themselves and their children, she has attended many national parenting programs. She is an independent facilitator of many of these programs. Every program has provided Gloria with additional insights on how to help parents develop confidence in their own abilities to raise caring, confident, connected, and courageous children.
Gloria is the parent of three grown children. She is blessed with five young grandchildren and three step-grandchildren. She enjoys using her skills with her grandchildren. This hands-on experience keeps her current on what it takes to raise children who are caring and resilient to be able to handle this ever-changing world.